"FLDC" holds a training course under title of "preparation of competitive projects of reseach financing" on 28th of December
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 816
Training course entitled "take decision and solving problems" in Faculty and Leadership Development Center "FLDC"
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 839
28th of December.. "FLDC" holds a training course under title of "take decision and solving problems"
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 785
“Sahar Sherwy” is Secretary of Community Service Committee at Agriculture-Saba Basha
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 1336
Asmaa Zayed is Assistant Lecturer at “Agriculture-Saba Basha”
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 803
Dr. Esam Ismail delivered a research paper in a conference in New Zealand
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 776
Effect of stocking density, green algae and water flow rate on some performance parameters of European sea bass fry, during post – weaning period
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 902
Appointment of Walid Fayez as Demonstrator at “Agriculture-Saba Basha”
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 799
Dr. Nagy Mansour represents Agriculture-Saba Basha in the international conference for aquaculture
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 849
Ahmed Zaytoon obtains PhD scholarship in Boland
Written by Asmaa Abd EL-wahab |
Hits: 757