Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha

Alexandria University hosts a delegation of “King Mongkut's University” to discuss cooperation opportunities

Prof. Dr. Roshdy Zahran; President of Alexandria University has recently received Mr. Siraude; Head of Trustees Council of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) in Thailand and Prof. Dr. Dowzwani; Dean of the Faculty of Sciences at KMITL. The two sides discussed cooperation opportunities in education and scientific research and common degrees for graduate and undergraduate levels in addition to exchanging faculty members, researchers and students.

Prof. Dr. Zarhran declared that Alexandria University is eager to be active at African and Mediterranean Sea level and to hold cooperation agreements with distinguished universities and institutes. He added that the university has a plan to cooperate with Far East universities including a visit to China to develop cultural exchange between Alexandria University and educational institutions in China.

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