Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha

Alexandria University organizes introductory seminar on "Newton-Mosharafa" grants

Alexandria University in cooperation with the British Council organized an introductory seminar on Newton-Mosharafa grants provided by the Egyptian and British governments for young researchers, faculty members and graduate students. The seminar was attended by Mr. Michael Houlgate; Newton-Mosharafa Program Leader in Egypt in addition to faculty members and students of the university.

Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdul Salam, Vice-President of the University for Graduate studies and Research declared that available grants include grants for PhD (full degree - joint supervision), post-doctorate scientific missions (3 to 6 months) and grants of overseas training, as well as joint research projects and workshops in important areas that Egypt need for industry advancement and society development such as sustainable water management, renewable energy and affordable health care for all, food production, archeology and cultural heritage .

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