Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha

Signing of a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and the Technological Educational Institute of Athena

As part of relations development and enhancement between Egypt and Greece, Prof. Dr. Rushdy Zahran, the President of Alexandria University received Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis Consul General of Greece in Alexandria and Dr. Demetris Iakovidis; Head of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens – Greece. The meeting was held on 6 April 2016 where they signed a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University represented by Prof. Dr. Hanan Katara; Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels and Dr. Demetris Iakovidis representing the Technological Educational Institute of Athens to establish joint relations and cooperation in cultural, academic and scientific research areas and exchanging experiences in addition to preparation of joint training programs.

Prof. Dr. Roshdy Zahran declared that the memorandum of understanding covers the cooperation in teaching and research programs and joint scientific degrees for undergraduate and graduate studies level in areas of common interest and exchanging faculty members and researchers as visiting professors to deliver lectures or participate in research projects or any other academic activities to be agreed through scientific visits.

The signing ceremony was attended by Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdul Salam; University Deputy for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abaza, University Deputy for Matrouh Branch Affairs, Prof. Dr. Essam Kurdi; University Deputy for Community Service and Environment Development, Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, University Deputy for Education and Students Affairs and Prof. Dr. Heba Saad; Deputy of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels for Graduate Studies and Research.

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