Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha

Training courses to raise the efficiency of all units at the University of Alexandria

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Rushdi Zahran, head of the University of Alexandria began on Saturday, March 5, 2016 the first weekly courses organized by the community service sector and development environment to raise the efficiency of the executive departments of the units of a special nature and how to prepare the annual budget and explain the financial regulations, administrative, legal and marketing aspects and marketing activity of the units as well as the procurement aspects. Prof. Dr. Essam Kurdi, vice president for community service and development confirmed in his speech on this occasion the role of the university in the service of society by providing excellent services, which is what we seek to achieve through activating the role of a special units, Dr. Kurdi, director of the units called for preparing ambitious plans for the operation of these units, adding that the sector will overcome all obstacles until we turn at the university and community service perfectly.

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