Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha

Linking Simplified Internet World Website to the Faculties Websites Interested in Adult Education

Alexandria University Community Service and Environmental Development Council resolved, during its meeting held recently, headed by Dr. Essam Al Kurdy, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, to link the simplified Internet World Website www.eznetworld.net , to the faculties websites interested in adult education. That is based on the Council's discussions about the speech provided by the Faculty of Arts on doctoral thesis of Dr. Ghadir Magdy Abdel Wahab, which won the prize of the best thesis in the Arab world in the field of libraries and information technology, under the supervision of Dr. Ghada Abdel Moneim Mosa, the Faculty Vice Dean, where the subject of the thesis was about digital illiteracy emancipation for the elderly.

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  • تشعيب الطلاب على البرامج المختلفة للعام الجامعى 2022/2023
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