Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha

"Terrorism… the perception, causes and motives"… Research contest in Alexandria University

The General administration of Youth Care in Alexandria University announced for a research contest under title of "Terrorism… the perception, causes and motives". Participated works to be delivered to the Youth Care office in each faculty with deadline on 1/8/2017.

The participated researches must be:
- Typed by computer.
- Consists of 15 pages at least.
- Attached by photos and graphs.
- Student data to be written and attached by ID's photocopies.

The contest prizes will be 300 EGP for the first place, 275 EGP for the second place, 250 EGP for the third place, 225 EGP for the fourth place and 500 EGP for the fifth place.

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  • وافدين (مرحلة البكالوريوس)
  • تشعيب الطلاب على البرامج المختلفة للعام الجامعى 2022/2023
  • الجداول الدراسية
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