Faculty of Agriculture Sababasha



Dean Word :
My sons and daughters, students of the College of Agriculture, Saba Pasha, welcome to your ancient college over time, as flowers and flowers that renew the youth of Orchard. How much the existence was gifted by scholars referred to by Lebanon. They deserve respect and appreciation, they grant you what you want from their abundant knowledge; This college has witnessed successive generations of scientific value and stature, each generation handing its flag fluttering high like a bird whose wings are knowledge and creation, where there is no good in one without the other. Do not be stingy in seeking knowledge, and adorn yourself with good manners, patience, dedication and dream. The College of Agriculture (Saba Pasha) is a college established for knowledge, dream, morals and generosity, so how many knowledge after it produced knowledge throughout its ancient history, so be the best successor to the best predecessor, and compete in science competing with the knights, and make your difference as the difference of flowers that beautify the corners of an orchard; Let us play as professors, administrators, and students of one melody and a wonderful symphony, we are all one family, and know that our college as a chain derives its strength from the strength of all its links, and as a wonderful painting, whose beauty is only in the harmony and integrity of its colors. And improve it. At the end of my speech, I cannot help but pray to you for continued success and that you will find in your college what qualifies you so that a day will come when you will carry the banner of our beloved college and you have become worthy to carry the banner of progress and advancement. My prayers and best wishes for success and success.
Dean of the College Prof. Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mahmoud


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Faculty and Leadership Development Center of Alexandria University organized training program on 18th of April 2016 entitled "international publishing of scientific research".

This program continued for two days within series of programs organized by the center for developing skills of scientific research. The center works on developing skills of teaching staff members in high education institutions and who are interested in education and academic leaderships, for 12 hours.

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Vision ,Mission And Objectives


Faculty of Agriculture Saba Basha , Alexandria university has to be an effective educational and research institution that is able to achieve its goals.


Applying and transferring the agricultural science by using all the faculty potentials to serve its strategic goals and to occupy a competitive position in the field of agricultural education and scientific research on local and national levels.


Create a permanent connection between the faculty members and students through the faculty and the study method, which depends on the credit hour and office system, which supports the concept of generations and gains the experience and role models for having a better society and environment.

To catch up with the rapid scientific developments and to prepare graduates capable of working efficiently and compete for opportunity to work either at home or abroad.

Increasing the culture and experience of graduates after awarded bachelor's Degree, through the pursuit of scientific and cultural changes that are commensurate with the capabilities and resources of the country, and that by attending diplomas and postgraduate studies.

Make the use of the faculty available potential for community service and development in various agricultural sectors, according to the needs of the nation and our economies.

The entry of sophisticated learning tools (video and audio) through the computer, electronic library and various pictures for development of the cognitive communication means.​ ​

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